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How To Pose Group Wedding Portraits | A Session By Rebecca Yale

How To Pose Group Wedding Portraits | A Session By Rebecca Yale
How To Pose Group Wedding Portraits | A Session By Rebecca Yale

Rebecca Yale shares her wedding photography composition techniques when capturing group portraits. No matter what group size you have or situation you’re in, Rebecca’s tools with give you confidence during your pre wedding photoshoot.

Artist’s Statement: I’ve wanted to be a photographer since I was 12 years old, and while my path to weddings was unexpected, in retrospect it seems meant to be. I dreamed of telling epic stories that people would care about and look back on for generations after me. My love of photography brought me to NYU where I studied photojournalism, fashion photography and aesthetic philosophy, focusing on photography’s ability to mold the way we see the world. I struggled in art school with dueling loves of art directing and storytelling. I love the grand romance and spectacle of Annie Leibovitz and Richard Avedon, but I also crave the honesty of Diane Arbus and Lewis Hine. I studied and worked in both fields in college and after, but always longed for one when I was shooting the other. It wasn’t until I attended a wedding for the first time as an adult that it dawned on me that weddings could be a perfect marriage of my two loves. During the same day I get to create wildly romantic portraits, style still life vignettes, and then become a fly on the wall recording some of the rawest and most vulnerable moments of our lives.

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