Once Upon A Time in Kazimierz: A Talk By Fine Art Photographer Richard Tuschman

Once Upon A Time in Kazimierz: A Talk By Fine Art Photographer Richard Tuschman
Once Upon A Time in Kazimierz: A Talk By Fine Art Photographer Richard Tuschman

Best known for his “Hopper Meditations” series, Richard Tuschman creates miniature diorama stages into which he digitally inserts human actors to create lush, atmospheric and psychologically charged depictions of ordinary lives. Tuschman will discuss his practice and his current project, Once Upon A Time in Kazimierz, an open-ended novella told in still photographs.

About Speaker: Richard Tuschman began experimenting with digital imaging in the early 1990s, developing a style that synthesized his interests in photography, painting and assemblage. Tuschman holds a BFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and has been exhibited widely, both in the US and internationally, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Poland, AIPAD in NYC, and the Photovisa Festival in Krasnodar, Russia. Tuschman’s projects have twice been selected to the Photolucida Critical Mass Top 50, he was a finalist for the New Orleans Photo Alliance Clarence John Laughlin Award in 2015 and 2016, and was named a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Photography in 2016. Richard Tuschman currently lives and works in New York City.