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Keep The Soul: An Interview & Tutorial With Pratik Naik – Professional High End Retoucher

Keep The Soul: An Interview & Tutorial With Pratik Naik - Professional High End Retoucher
Keep The Soul: An Interview & Tutorial With Pratik Naik – Professional High End Retoucher

Pratik Naik’s work has been on the cover and folds of Marie Claire, Vogue, ELLE, ZINK, Maxim and many other major magazines, but you might not know it. The photographer has a great deal of creative work and lighting to create the photograph, but the retoucher has a huge task of finishing the art while still keeping the soul of the photograph. Pratik Naik is a high end retoucher specializing in commercial and editorial work. As a retoucher, he is influenced through his classical training in fine art. His belief is based on keeping close to the original vision of the photographer, and enhancing upon it, by removing all visible flaw without leaving any traces behind, resulting in an end product that is both natural and perfect.  But what is perfect?

Today, Pratik talks about the retouching industry and inspires us to retouch only to “keep the soul” of the photograph. He also gives a pre-shoot tutorial and also shares personal post-shoot secrets of his talented trade in Photoshop.

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