The Tutu Project | Using Your Passion Project To Support Your Community

The Tutu Project | Using Your Passion Project To Support Your Community
The Tutu Project | Using Your Passion Project To Support Your Community

In this seminar, Bob Carey will share how his passion project to make a difference in his community and raise funds for others in need. According to Carey, this project stemmed from an “organic drive to build a body of that resonates with myself and others,” hoping to “make a difference in the world.” Through this presentation, Carey wishes to “inspire” you in your own photography journey.

About The Tutu Project: Bringing Cheer And Support To Breast Cancer Patients Every Day
A ride to chemo. Child care. Food in the fridge. A mortgage payment. The Tutu Project helps people with breast cancer get through their day with support for all those things that cancer doesn’t care about. All the everyday stuff that suddenly becomes unaffordable – even for people with insurance.

And when it seems like getting through the day feels impossible we’re there with a little emotional support too.

More About The Tutu Project