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10 Fine Art Photographers Everybody Should Know

10 Fine Art Photographers You Should Know

10 Fine Art Photographers You Should Know

There is a beautiful little niche of fine art photographers out there in the world. While many don’t necessarily consider themselves “fine art photographers,” a more modern terminology is “conceptual photographer”. These talented individuals create stories from their images and rarely “just take” a photograph. Here are our top 10 fine art photographers you should know about:

Oleg Oprisco

Oleg Oprisco  – The best part of Oleg’s work is that he shoots film. All the images you see are how they were photographed. There is no extensive photoshopping to create scenes that did not exist the moment his shutter released.

Rosie Hardy

Rosie Hardy – Rosie is more or less the queen of conceptual photography, in the early days of Flickr, her 365 projects took the world by storm, inspiring and influencing young artists all around the world to partake in their own.

David Talley

David Talley – David’s work challenges ideas of light and hope in dark situations, and executes beautiful visual imagery as well as powerful concepts inspired by romance, loss, and psychology.

Aleah Michele

Aleah Michele – Aleah is new and upcoming and her work is so powerful and crisp, her execution is so precise and detailed and her concepts are so unique and well thought. She is definitely one of my new favorites.

Lissy Elle

Lissy Elle – Lissy is a remarkable photographer who addresses the concept of childhood and remaining youthful even in adulthood. Her whimsical and mystical images are confronting and comforting simultaneously.

Alex Stoddard – Alex is one of the best in the business, having completed a 365 so young and catapulting himself into a long successful career. He consistently creates amazing dark photographs that are strikingly beautiful and haunting.

Laura Zalenga

Laura Zalenga – Laura’s deeply emotive portraits are powerful in concept and in aesthetics. Her unique style stands out and her photographs speak so many words.

Brooke Shaden

Brooke Shaden – If I were to summarise fine art into one photographer, it would be Brooke. Brooke’s work is so dynamic and layered, starting from her concept, to her vibrant and eerie colors. Complexity best describes Brooke’s process and storytelling best describes her body of work.

Peter Jamus – Peter works black and white better than I ever could. His work is stark and moody, creating so much mystery and his composition is so beautiful.

Sean Mundy

Sean Mundy – Sean’s work is very desaturated and haunting, addressing social issues and psychology.

While I could compile a list of people whose work is outstanding and are a must to follow, combining the frequency of consistently beautiful imagery as well as admirable talent, these photographers are certain to keep you inspired and motivated to stretch your style and test the boundaries with your art.

originally posted on by Kiara Rose

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