8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography

Bird’s-eye view photography is a great method to experiment with perspective and give your photographs a unique spin. Images captured from a bird’s-eye perspective are striking and aesthetically appealing. It might be difficult to determine whether and why this point of view is appropriate.

What Is The Definition Of “Bird’s Eye View” In Photography?

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

A bird’s-eye view is an elevated, above-the-ground perspective of an object. as though a bird were seeing the item from above, thus the name. In photography, “point of view” refers to the position from which the camera views the scene. This perspective may be eye level, bird’s eye, worm’s eye, etc. How you place your camera affects the viewpoint and composition of the photograph.

There are no specific guidelines for how a bird’s-eye viewpoint should appear. For instance, there are no regulations regarding the optimal shooting height. Aerial perspective is often used as a synonym for bird’s-eye view. But bird’s-eye views need not be captured from a great height. It may be done with a drone, an aircraft, or a helicopter. However, you do not need to hire a hot-air balloon to use this perspective. You may also stand on a ladder and observe your topic from above.

Typical bird’s-eye view photographs are taken at a 40-degree angle. However, this is not set in stone. The majority of bird’s-eye view photographs are taken at an angle of 90 degrees above the scene. In film and video production, “bird’s-eye perspective” refers to a downward-facing viewpoint of the subject. The subject is very short and squat due to the viewpoint being reduced. Frequently employed in landscape, aerial, and cityscape photography is the bird’s-eye perspective. However, you may be creative and use it for other types of photography as well.

Why Should You Use Bird’s Eye View Photography?

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

To Give Your Viewer A Sense Of Power

Bird’s-eye view photographs may give the observer a sense of superiority over the subject. When people see the picture, they get a sense of power. They transform into the superhero while observing the topic below. You may use this effect to create a photographic narrative. For instance, if you picture a youngster who has committed a misdeed, you may do it from a bird’s-eye perspective, as if the viewer were the parent offering a lesson on proper conduct.

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

The bird’s-eye view might make the spectator feel as if they are protecting the topic below them. This is a useful tool for making photodocumentaries. By using this viewpoint, you may emphasise that the spectator is more privileged than the photograph’s subject. It’s also an excellent method to emphasise the vastness of a crowd and give the impression that the observer is above them. They may feel relieved, superior, or even irritated. It depends entirely on the impression you want to make.

To Emphasise The Distinctive Pattern Of A Landscape

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

When travelling through a forest or along a beach, we only observe things from our own point of view. Many people never fly above the ocean or above the trees to obtain a broader perspective. With bird’s-eye view photography, the landscape is seen from a fresh angle. You can highlight textures and patterns that would not be visible at eye level.

Consider the patterns of a pine tree forest as seen from above. Or the ocean’s waves and swirls produce interesting forms. From a bird’s-eye view, landscapes may seem very different. Our Simply Stunning Landscapes course has further professional advice for landscape photography.

Getting Interesting Shapes And Forms From Above

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

Buildings often have interesting shapes and forms that can’t be seen from the ground. However, they reveal their pristine beauty from above. From the ground, architectural structures such as the Eiffel Tower and the Sagrada Familia seem magnificent. However, you cannot view the whole spectacular building.

When approaching from a greater distance and ascending to a higher vantage point, these buildings stand out from the rest of the metropolis. They become spectacular architectural wonders.

To Determine A Cityscape’s Symmetry

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

Frequently, cities and metropolitan areas are constructed in perfect symmetry. However, we are unable to identify this while strolling down the street. Go above the city and photograph its symmetry from the viewpoint of a bird.

You may use drones or snap photographs. You might also travel to a higher location in the city and photograph the cityscape from there.

Capturing The Magnificence Of Magnificent Landscapes

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

There are breathtaking vistas visible from where we stand. They seem much more beautiful when seen from above. The finest examples are mountainous terrains. When photographing mountains from above, it is common to catch peaks in both the foreground and background. This produces depth of field and emphasises variations in height.

Including a person for scale creates the most breathtaking aerial photographs of mountains.

To Offer An Exciting Perspective On Mainstream Scenes

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

There are everyday occurrences that we hardly give a second thought to. Road intersections, basketball courts, and parks all share the same monotonous appearance. But by shooting similar events from a different angle, a completely different universe emerges. Try to photograph them from a 40- or 90-degree bird’s-eye perspective. They will have patterns, lines, and shapes that are not often seen.

From the ground, a serpentine road does not appear outstanding. However, climb a little higher and photograph it from above. From this elevated vantage point, its sinuous form will be magnificent.

To Transform Mundane Cityscapes Into Works Of Art

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

After a time, every cityscape seems the same. There are skyscrapers, large buildings, and bustling streets. It is difficult to differentiate one from another. In addition, prominent cities such as New York and London have been photographed many times. By altering the viewpoint, though, it is possible to give well-known cityscapes an intriguing variation. Photograph these cities from above using a bird’s-eye viewpoint.

The tall structures will look like trees in a forest, which will give your photos a new look.

To Transport Your Audience To Lovely Scenes

8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

One of the greatest benefits of bird’s-eye photography is its ability to evoke emotion in the spectator. The freedom you give them by shooting these vistas from above is priceless. To observe woods, highways, and towns from above, they would have to board an aircraft. Instead, your photographs allow individuals to perceive situations in a way that has never been seen before.

You may make the spectator feel as free as a bird, soaring through landscapes and cityscapes to the horizon. The finest images are those that provoke thought or elicit emotion.


8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography
image courtesy @expertphotography.com

You may include bird’s-eye photography into your aerial photography practice. It is also a great opportunity to escape your comfort zone of eye-level viewpoints and push yourself. Changing the viewpoint to a bird’s-eye view alters how one perceives the world. It may result in more imaginative compositions and powerful pictures.