Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips

Posing might seem like a daunting task. But it’s actually very easy to master once you find your favourite go-to poses. These tips and tricks have helped many photographers look cool in front of the camera.

Take Smartphone Selfies Before You Begin

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Take Smartphone Selfies Before You Begin

It’s likely that you don’t stare at yourself in the mirror all day. This means that you’re not aware of your best angles and poses! You don’t have to practise in front of the mirror. Use your smartphone camera to try out different expressions, angles, and poses instead. You can even take a few photos to reference during your actual photo shoot.

Stand, Don’t Sit

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Stand, Don’t Sit

If you sit straight on a chair, you’ll look stiff. But if you stand upright, you’ll look both professional and comfortable.

Face The Sky To Avoid Unappealing Highlights

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Face the Sky to Avoid Unappealing Highlight

This is to avoid highlighting textures or under-eye circles. Face the sky or any other light source you’re using. You don’t have to look away from the camera. All you have to do is raise or move your head so that an even amount of light covers your face.

Don’t Press Your Arms Against Your Body

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Don’t Press Your Arms Against Your Body

If you press your arms against your body, you’ll make them look large. Keep your arms away from your body to avoid this. You can put your hands on your hips or stretch them away from your body instead.

Stand In Front Of A Simple Background

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Stand in Front of a Simple Background

Vibrant backgrounds can be distracting. So make sure your location isn’t filled with busy background details.

Hold Someone You Love

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Hold Someone You Love

You don’t have to be the only subject in your photograph. To show off your interests, take photos of yourself holding something you love. This can be a pet, a musical instrument, a favourite book, or even a camera (mirror selfies are acceptable!)

When it comes to self-portraits that feature other people, you have to be a little more careful. New visitors on your page might not be able to figure out who the profile picture belongs to. You can take photos with people who are much younger or older than you. Like grandparents or children.

Make Sure Nothing Is Covering Your Face

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Make Sure Nothing Is Covering Your Face

This includes hair, hands, sunglasses, or random objects in the foreground. If your face isn’t easy to identify, your profile picture won’t stand out.

Be Extra Tidy For Professional Profile Photos

Cool Profile Pictures Posing Tips
Be Extra Tidy for Professional Profile Photos

While fun profile pictures can be a little messy, professional ones demand tidiness. Before your shoot, iron your outfit and style your hair. And make sure your eyebrow hairs aren’t all over the place (this is a common problem!).

You won’t look flattering in a profile photo if your photography skills aren’t strong. No matter how beautiful you are. Knowing how to take self-portraits will save you lots of time and money. And it will help you leave a positive impression on anyone who visits your page.

originally posted on by Taya Ivanova