How To Become A Great Photographer – Ansel Adams’s Way

Over the weekend I visited an Ansel Adams exhibition in London. Having found his work to be even more breathtaking in print, I purchased a documentary about the man himself, in an effort to learn more about the artist I admire so much. What I learned has helped me to see his creative process much more clearly, and understand his thought process while taking photos. It’s this which I hope to be able to share with you today. 50% OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS OCCURRED IN THE DARK ROOMAnsel Adams is well known for spending a whole day in the darkroom,

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Ansel Adams: A Documentary Film

American Experience presents Ansel Adams: A Documentary Film, written and directed by Ric Burns and co-produced by Sierra Club Productions and Steeplechase Films. For the centennial of the artist’s birth, Burns has created an elegant, moving, and lyrical portrait of this quintessentially American photographer. The documentary weaves together archival footage, photographic images, dramatic readings of the artist’s own writing, and interviews with leading photographers, historians, curators, naturalists, as well as Adams’s family, friends, and colleagues, to tell the story of a man who was at once a visionary photographer, a pioneer in photographic technique, and an ardent crusader for the

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