What Is Candid Photography And 10 Techniques For Better Candid Photography

There is a big misconception that candid photography is about hiding and waiting in the bushes. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can get close, engage your subjects, and still take advantage of candid photography techniques. WHAT DOES CANDID PHOTOGRAPHY MEAN? The first crucial question to ask is what is candid photography? Candid photography is any type of photography that is real and in the moment. There is no posed picture, no fake smiles. Only real, genuine feelings. The subjects may know you are there photographing them. But they are not taken out of the moment by the

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When & How To Use Flash For Better Wedding Photos

Weddings are beautiful to photograph. But the timeline can often leave you photographing in the middle of the day or later in the evening when the light is gone. You also have to figure out how to light a wedding reception. That is where your flash comes to the rescue. Read our tips for better wedding flash photography! Use Your Flash To Balance The Exposure Of Your Photos Sometimes, depending on the wedding, you’ll have to photograph the couple, or guests, during the middle of the day. This can be due to the ceremony and reception scheduling that cannot be

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Stuck At Home? Try This Tips For Better Indoor Photography

When I first started indoor photography, I was afraid of the limitations. As a natural light enthusiast, I wanted to have as few restrictions as possible. When I discovered the positive sides of this genre, I was able to pinpoint my creative weaknesses. It helped me strengthen the skills I already had. Indoor photography is a flexible genre for several reasons: There’s usually some kind of artificial light to use it to take unique photographs; It doesn’t demand a massive budget; and It’s open to photographers of all kinds. How do you take good indoor pictures? Here are some photography

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How To Use Window Light For Better Portraits

Window light is an excellent, free light source. It can achieve the same effects as much bigger, more expensive lighting equipment. A large window is essentially a huge softbox. It will diffuse light into the room and around the subject, you place it in front of it. The earliest photography studios didn’t use fancy electric lighting. They just used big windows. How It Works If you see the window as a softbox, everything that you know about a softbox will be relevant to this lighting. First of all, the larger the window, the softer the light. A large window provides

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Landscape Photography: 13 Amazing Landscape Composition Tips For Better Landscape Photography

Composition is an essential aspect of landscape photography. It may make or shatter a picture. Understanding the fundamentals of landscape photography composition can help you make your images far more aesthetically appealing. These things come effortlessly to certain individuals, and they intuitively comprehend composition concepts. They have an “excellent eye.” To everyone else, they must be learned, just like any other photographic skill. There is always room for development, no matter what sort of photographer you are. Here are a few pointers to help you build more appealing landscapes. The Rule Of Thirds And Beyond The “Rule of Thirds” is

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Posing Tips For Better Outdoor Portraits

Whether you’re photographing an individual or group, having sessions on location can add a lot of variety to your images. Most locations offer natural or built-in elements that are great for posing people without having to move too much. Almost all outdoor locations have natural or built-in elements that can give you options for where to place your client and add more variety to the session. These can include rocks, walls, trees, benches, bridges, cars, lamp posts, columns, archways, fences, fountains, and staircases. Walls also make for great poses. All of these elements are terrific posing props that make your

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A Better Photography – Vincent Van Gogh’s View Point

In keeping myself motivated as a photographer, I love to look for inspiration from all across the creative spectrum. Today I want to share some ideas with you from the painter Van Gogh that I hope will bring some exciting new ideas for your photography. I love who I am when I am taking photos. It is one of my favourite things, and I would imagine it’s the same for you. To have my camera in my hand, exploring, finding beautiful light, and capturing interesting people I meet along the way, is immensely satisfying and massively fun. However, life often

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How Taking Pictures Of Pets Will Make You A Better Photographer

Pictures of pets are capable of melting the coldest of hearts and improving the worst of days. One can’t help but imagine how delightful the photoshoots must be. If you were to witness the photo-taking process for your favorite images, you’d discover a world of accidents, loud noises, and challenges. As effortless as these adorable photographs seem, they’re actually products of very hard work. Is it worth getting into a genre that’s so challenging? In my opinion, it is. Though I’m a portrait photographer, I often take pictures of pets. Shortly after I got my cat (who happens to be

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How To Take Better Natural Light Portraits

Rethinking Natural LightMany photographers choose to use natural light as their chosen style, almost as a badge of honor. Natural light is a wonderful source, providing ease of use and flattering light to your subjects, but you should be using it the same way as you would studio lights. You need to create light and shade that will add emotion or mood, not flat lighting that gives no shape, texture or mood. Hopefully, these tips will help you on a path to refining your natural light classic portraits. Finding Quality Light And ShadowsFirst, find good quality light – preferably open

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9 Tips For Better Beauty Photography: From Poses To Lighting

Beauty photography will open doors into editorial and commercial work. But capturing beauty images can be a little intimidating when you’re starting out. These 9 tips will help you take great editorial quality beauty photography. Why You Should Hire Makeup And Hair Stylists It goes without saying that beauty portraits take a whole creative team for them to come to life. Makeup and hair styling are some of the most important elements next to lighting. Even if you are going for a more natural look, it’s important to have a makeup artist and hair stylist. This will limit the time

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Tips for Better Senior/Teen Photography

Photographing teens who are about to embark on a new phase of life is an honor as a photographer. However, it can be tricky to photograph teens who are both very self-aware and yet not a full adult yet. Read the following tips to get the most out of a senior photography session. Pre-Consultation With Both The Teen And ParentIt’s essential to schedule a pre-consultation with both the teen and the parent. This way, you can interview the teen and get a better idea of what they envision for their session. Senior portraits that include the input and ideas of

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