How Improve Engagement Photography – Tips for Better Engagement Sessions

Photographing a couple for their engagement session is a very emotional and meaningful way to capture your clients as they are before the wedding day. It’s a chance for them to take a more relaxed approach and for you to get to know them a little better.

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Dedicated Cameras Are Better Than Smartphones For Photography – Here Is Why?

Modern smartphone cameras are amazing! They have facilitated an explosion in photography that shows no signs of stopping. Mobile phone cameras, apps, editing, and sharing have given people access to creative outlets that were unthinkable a mere 15 years ago. If the best camera is the one you have with you, then 9 times out of 10, the best camera is right in your pocket! Despite the advances in smartphone cameras, there are still few things smartphone cameras lack. So, in this article, we’ll explore why dedicated cameras are better than smartphones for photography. In other words, there are some

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Quick Tips For Better Lifestyle Photography

Lifestyle photography has an almost photo-journalistic reputation. This is where interactions were candid and without any direction from the photographer. Nowadays, it’s somewhere between true documentary photography and classic portraiture. Read on for all the lifestyle photography tips you’ll need to capture stunning images. How To Structure The InteractionsLifestyle photography captures portraits and real-life events. Day to day interactions and situations are the best way to tell the story of the moment in an artistic manner. Don’t over plan client interactions during lifestyle photography shoots. This doesn’t mean your photoshoot should not have a structure. But lifestyle photography needs a

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Shots To Incorporate For Better Drone Photography

Flying drones has become an extremely popular pastime in recent years. It can be both incredibly exciting (and also a little nerve-wracking) to see your drone take to the skies for the first time. As your flying skills grow and improve, it’s time to think of the range and variety of aerial images you shoot. Whether you’re coming to drones from a model aircraft background, a photography background, or with no previous experience, here are seven types of aerial shots you can incorporate in your repertoire for better drone photography. Seven Shots For Better Drone PhotographySo why seven different shots?

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How To Take Better Musician Portrait

I grew up in a musical family. At any point in the day, you could focus your ears and hear The Art of the Musician Portrait instruments sounding throughout the house. It overwhelmed a lot of people, but when you live in it, you learn how to tune out the noise. Growing up in a family of musicians though really gave me a fascination and love for the musician culture. To this day, musicians are among my absolute favorite groups of individuals to hang out with, jam with, and of course – as a photographer – take portraits of. Taking

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Become A Better Photographer By Self-Portraiture

Meaningful self-portraiture photography is no small feat. It involves focus, persistence, and an endless openness to improvement. As both the photographer and model, you’re in charge of posing, lighting, and camera settings. As challenging as these responsibilities are, they’re more than just extra work. They’re opportunities to become a better photographer in general. I started taking self-portraits because I was simply drawn to the genre. I had no idea that the challenges I faced would shape me into a more empathetic, expressive, and observant individual. But when I started taking photos of other people and things, I realised how much

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Tips For Better Portraits – How To Pose And Angle The Body

When someone hires you to take portraits or head shots of them, it’s important you understand how to pose them, and angle the body toward the camera. By understanding this, you will also be able to work more efficiently, which will benefit both you and the client. You have to remember that most people don’t like to have their photo taken, so you want the process to move along swiftly.

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