What Is The Difference Between Technique And Artistic Creativity in Photography?

Arguing over the merits of technique vs. the pursuit of creative expression is a potential source of conflict among photographers. When learning how to use a camera, students focus mostly on the technical aspects of doing so. However well-honed your camera skills are, they may still not be enough to ensure a successful shot. Learning the fundamentals of camera operation is a prerequisite before experimenting creatively with photography. When we think of innovation, we tend to think of it as distinct from technique. In photography circles, debates regarding technique vs. artistic expression may produce friction. Camera technique is heavily emphasised

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What Is The Difference Between Grayscale Vs Black & White Vs Monochrome

If you are starting to take black and white images or are just looking at it as the next step in your photography, you’ve probably come across these three terms and wondered, “What is the difference?” The quick answer is, “Not very much.” But, let’s take a closer look at the various terms and their differences. Black And White Photography Once upon a time, there was just a “film.” It was all black and white; that was the only option. Google “old film box” and you’ll see it will simply say “film” on the box without any mention of color

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Basic Principles Of Design And Composition: The Difference Between Repetition & Pattern And How Rhythm Is Related To It

Repetition in photography and pattern in photography are two fundamental principles of composition. With careful use of repetition or pattern, you can draw the viewer straight into your images – and keep them engaged for minutes, even hours. So if you’re ready to learn how to take your compositions to the next level… What Is Repetition In Photography Composition? Repetition refers to repeating elements within a single frame. For instance, a line of trees stretching across the frame will repeat the same shape, over and over again. An apple still life will repeat the same fruit color and shape all

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Difference Between Spontaneous And Staged Photos And Why You Need Both

This is a subject that runs to the very heart of what makes photography special for many people. The convulsions that many had when Steve McCurry decided he was in fact a visual storyteller show just how passionate people are about this subject. Indeed, a more recent example of this occurred when a photography contest winner was found to have submitted an allegedly staged photo. To a certain degree, we’ve allowed photography to be romanticized by believing amazing photos are all about the moment of capture. That’s certainly an idea many travel or photography magazines have encouraged. In this article,

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