10 Essential Elements Of Portrait Photography For A Great Portrait

Portrait photography isn’t easy, and in fact, there are many elements that go into a great portrait. You have to think about the technical stuff like exposure and focus, as well as the non-technical stuff like composition and working with a live subject. If you’re just starting out with portrait shooting, all this can be pretty daunting. That’s why I’ve broken it down, piece by piece, into the 10 crucial elements you need to think about when doing portraits. Lighting Pattern The lighting pattern refers to how the light falls on your subject’s face. Note that your lighting pattern will

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7 Elements Of Art: How To Use Them In Photography

If you want to boost your photography, you must understand the seven elements of art and design. When used correctly, each one of these elements contributes to turning a dull photo into a work of art. In this article, we explore what each of these elements of art in photography are and how to use them. What Are The 7 Elements Of Art? To compose a perfect photo, you need to understand the basics of fine art theory. Understanding the seven elements of art is a great first step. The seven elements of art are: Colour Texture Line Shape or

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The Basics Of Photography: 6 Primary Elements & Principles Of Photography

The elements of photography and principles of photography are the fundamental building blocks of images. If you don’t know how to use them, then your photos will fall flat. But if you can master photography elements and principles… then you’ll be able to expertly work with light and composition for beautiful results. Note that these concepts are far from new – photography borrows some elements and principles from classical art and design. But though they’ve been around a long time, learning to use these photography building blocks isn’t always easy – which is where this guide comes in handy. I’m

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