10 Essential Elements Of Portrait Photography For A Great Portrait

Portrait photography isn’t easy, and in fact, there are many elements that go into a great portrait. You have to think about the technical stuff like exposure and focus, as well as the non-technical stuff like composition and working with a live subject. If you’re just starting out with portrait shooting, all this can be pretty daunting. That’s why I’ve broken it down, piece by piece, into the 10 crucial elements you need to think about when doing portraits. Lighting Pattern The lighting pattern refers to how the light falls on your subject’s face. Note that your lighting pattern will

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How To Use Photography Props For Great Portraits

Portrait photography can be challenging at first. Coming up with good photoshoot ideas for poses and where to place people’s hands is not always easy. This is where props come in. Well, used portrait photography props can help you achieve many things: Relax a nervous subject Add ambiance to a portrait Contextualize the subject Create and strengthen a concept Add humor Using photography props well can turn a simple portrait into a compelling story. What Photography Props Should You Use? Props are anything at all used to better support and add meaning to the main subject in a photo. With

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Are You Stuck Indoors? Here Is Some Great Photography Ideas

Usually, the majority of photography is based outside. But now we have the Coronavirus to contend with, in the current lockdown period, what you should do is to be busy with some photography projects around the house. Here are some tried-and-tested photography ideas for when you are stuck indoors. PHOTOGRAPH THE ORDINARYWhen you’re stuck indoors, it can seem like the subject matter is limited. However, under the eye of the camera, ordinary objects can become extraordinary. As photographers, we are trained to seek out the unusual and distinctive subject matter, so day-to-day objects can fall by the wayside. But responding

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8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography

Bird’s-eye view photography is a great method to experiment with perspective and give your photographs a unique spin. Images captured from a bird’s-eye perspective are striking and aesthetically appealing. It might be difficult to determine whether and why this point of view is appropriate. What Is The Definition Of “Bird’s Eye View” In Photography? A bird’s-eye view is an elevated, above-the-ground perspective of an object. as though a bird were seeing the item from above, thus the name. In photography, “point of view” refers to the position from which the camera views the scene. This perspective may be eye level,

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Tips For Groom – Our Top Tips For Being A Great Groom And The Best Way To Keep Her Happy

You bought the ring, popped the question, and now you get to kick back until your wedding day rolls around, right? Well, that’s one option, but the best way to keep her happy – and you out of the doghouse – is to get involved. Here are our top tips for being a great groom. Have An OpinionThis is your wedding too, so get in on the planning. Pick a few things that interest you (food? the wedding music? photos?). You don’t have to wax poetic on the difference between lilies and daisies for the bridesmaid bouquets, but give your

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The Secrets Of Great Portrait Photography | Webinar/Q&A By Brian Smith

Looking for the secrets to great portrait photography? Pulitzer-prize winning photographer Brian Smith has your answers. Brian has spent the last 30 years photographing celebrities and people from all walks of life, including big names like Shaquille O’Neal, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Anne Hathaway, and more. In this webinar you’ll get Brian’s best tips and techniques for mastering professional portraits in a conversational style webinar. Even if you’re not photographing the rich and famous, Brian’s insights will help you create meaningful portraits for everyone. Specifically, Brian will discuss: How to really connect with your subject and tell their story through

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The Great Debate: Should You Host A Destination Wedding? Find Out If A Wedding Away From Home Is The Right Choice For You

Were you recently engaged? Congratulations! Likely, you are already whittling down potential wedding venues, and no, it doesn’t have to be limited to places in your immediate area. A wedding is possible in any part of the globe. But should you and your fiancé have a wedding in a faraway place? Before you commit to a local venue, think about the advantages of a destination wedding for you and your loved ones. The Number Of Your Guests Decreases By holding the wedding in a remote location, you may safely reduce the guest list without hurting anyone’s emotions. You may be

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Great Selfie Poses and Ideas For Mobile Photography

These great selfie poses and ideas will come in handy regardless of what equipment you use. Ever stood in front of your camera and felt completely lost? You’re not the only one. It’s a common affliction among self-portrait photographers. Taking good selfies can be challenging. You have to juggle poses, expressions, lighting setups, and technical information. And tell a meaningful story. It’s helpful to have go-to selfie poses or selfie ideas that you can use when you want to get that perfect shot. Selfie Poses To Highlight Your Favourite Place You can describe the beauty of a location by taking

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Stuck At Home? Try This Great Creative Photography Ideas

There is really no better time to practice some at-home creative photography ideas. There are lots of ideas you can experiment with, and with some basic equipment, you can really work wonders. Let’s get into it and discover some creative photography ideas you can work on at home, and work into a series of images.

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Best Friend Photoshoots Idea: How To Pose BFFs For Great Photos

Best friend photoshoots are perfect for capturing genuine emotions. Your models will feel comfortable, and you’ll take unforgettable photos. If you want to take amazing BFF pictures, all you need are a few ideas and posing tips. How To Pose Best Friend Pictures Giving instructions to one model is different from guiding multiple models. Your subjects are best friends. This means you need to show their relationship using specific poses. Ask Them To Hug Each Other Your models aren’t strangers. You can ask them to hug each other. This is a quick way to make them feel more comfortable. And

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How To Become A Great Photographer – Ansel Adams’s Way

Over the weekend I visited an Ansel Adams exhibition in London. Having found his work to be even more breathtaking in print, I purchased a documentary about the man himself, in an effort to learn more about the artist I admire so much. What I learned has helped me to see his creative process much more clearly, and understand his thought process while taking photos. It’s this which I hope to be able to share with you today. 50% OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS OCCURRED IN THE DARK ROOMAnsel Adams is well known for spending a whole day in the darkroom,

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9 Great Tips For Taking Stunning Cloudy Day Photography

Photographers tend to shy away from overcast weather. But, a cloudy day is an excellent time for stunning photography. These fluffy formations can help give you a great shot! In this article, we’ll tell you all the tips and tricks to great cloudy day photography. Change Your Camera Settings Cloudy day photography settings are different than what you would use on a clear or overcast day. Every time your light changes, you need to change your settings. If you are shooting in a cloudy environment, your light source (sun) will hide and reveal itself often. This can be a pain

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