Tips For Groom – Our Top Tips For Being A Great Groom And The Best Way To Keep Her Happy

You bought the ring, popped the question, and now you get to kick back until your wedding day rolls around, right? Well, that’s one option, but the best way to keep her happy – and you out of the doghouse – is to get involved. Here are our top tips for being a great groom. Have An OpinionThis is your wedding too, so get in on the planning. Pick a few things that interest you (food? the wedding music? photos?). You don’t have to wax poetic on the difference between lilies and daisies for the bridesmaid bouquets, but give your

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How To Capture Perfect Portraits Of The Bride And Groom When Time Is Essential

Wedding days are super hectic, there’s no doubt about it. My couples and I agree on a wedding day photography timeline so we know exactly what is expected at every hour of the wedding day. Yes, we are flexible but having the order of the day written down is a must for things to go smoothly. This timeline is discussed well before the day and all the key people in the bridal party and key suppliers are made aware of the plan so we are all on the same page. Plan It Out When I sit down with the couple

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Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Shooting wedding photography professionally is a much, much bigger topic than just sample poses. The aim of this article is only to provide you with some initial guidance and ideas to take some nice bride and groom pictures. The wedding veil is a superb accessory for a bride’s close-up portrait. You may want to use manual zoom to focus on the eyes, otherwise, the auto mode will focus on the veil’s texture. A very good opportunity for a great picture is photographing the bride or both newlyweds in the wedding car. The romantic and passionate kiss is another must-have shot

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