Having A Tent Wedding? Here Is Some Tips That Must Be Taken Into Consideration

There are plenty of reasons brides, grooms, and planners alike love tented weddings – the ambience, the cozy feeling, the air of intimacy, and the whole party (and all the wedding décor) is safe and protected from the elements. But building a wedding structure is nothing like putting together the tent you and your fiancé use when you go camping. It takes a lot of work, and requires just as much preparation and planning. There are tons of details that must be taken into consideration before making the decision to opt for a tented wedding. For example, if you love

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What You Need To Know About Having Junior Bridesmaids

When someone you love feels a little too old to be a flower girl, but not quite old enough to be a full-on bridesmaid, ask her to be a junior bridesmaid. What exactly does that mean? Think of a junior bridesmaid as someone between ages 9 and 14 whom you’re super close to and want in your wedding party, but who feels like she’s graduated from her flower girl days. This could be a beloved niece, cousin, sister, friend’s daughter, step-daughter-to-be or your own daughter. Including younger loved ones in your wedding party is such a sweet way to make

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Wedding Photography: Tried-And-True Rules For Having Your Most Photogenic Day Ever

The biggest photographer in wedding photos is here to share his tried-and-true rules for having your most photogenic day ever. One important tip: “The key to capturing an authentic moment? Soft, natural light and a simple background. And motion!” Check out more of his expert advice below! BEFORE HIRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER, ASK YOURSELF TWO THINGS: One, can he handle a dim-lit room? And, two, is he nice? A wedding is a living, breathing, unpredictable thing. He has to be very go-with-the-flow and technically consistent no matter what. Vet him in person, and look at full galleries – not just his

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