20 Cutest Newborn Photo Ideas To Creating Heart Warming Memories

Newborn photography is about capturing the very first days or weeks of a newborn baby. It’s about creating heartwarming memories from this short period of time. You always have to make sure that the baby is safe. If you keep this in mind, you can implement any of your creative ideas. Here, we collected 20 newborn photo ideas to inspire you! What You Need For Newborn Photography You don’t need to be a professional photographer to be able to take adorable and beautiful newborn photos. If you are a new parent, you can even organize your own photo session at

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What You Are At Heart: The Nature Of Specialist And Generalist Photography

Are you a photographer who drills deep and specializes in one area, or a generalist who casts a wide net and photographs everything? From these two worlds come specialists such as Ansel Adams (black and white landscapes) and Yousuf Karsh (portraits), as well as generalists such as Joe McNally and Steve McCurry. Sometimes specialists and generalists have a hard time understanding each other’s approach. To the generalist, you’re too narrow, and to the specialist, you need to settle down and find your niche. There are arguments (many of them coming down to skill level or money) as to why you

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