Must Learn Photography Effects For Every Photographer

Adding that wow factor to your photography is something many of us aspire to. There are in fact many routes to doing this, in today’s article you’ll learn ten of these cool photography effects. Read on to discover what these photo effects are, and how they can be easily applied to your work. Light Painting Of all the photography effects you’ll read about in this article, this is arguably the most creative. There are several different approaches to this genre. You can divide it roughly into light painting and kinetic light painting. What’s the difference? With light painting the camera

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From Camera Setting To Practical Photography: Learn Full Photography From Chris Bray

Get off ‘Auto Mode’ and unlock your creative potential! This popular, complete course by award-winning photographer Chris Bray uses simple explanations, plenty of examples and even practical sessions to guide you through from basic setup and composition to aperture, shutter speed, exposure, ISO, lighting, lenses, histograms, white balance and more! Enjoy!

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What You Can Learn About Portrait Photography From Da’ Vinchi’s Mona Lisa

When it comes to famous images the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most recognized in the world. When I visited the Lourve in Paris a couple of years ago I was stunned by the crowds of people gathering around this small image, pushing and shoving to get close and to take a picture of it (I got some great shots of the crowd). The Mona Lisa has been at the center of much debate and speculation over the years but why is it an image that intrigues people so much and what can we learn

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