How to Take Amazing Photos Using Dappled Light

Natural light is notoriously difficult to control. And if you’re shooting somewhere outdoorsy like a park or a forest, you’ll most likely encounter dappled light. But you can use this type of lighting to your advantage! Here’s how to photograph in dappled light for amazing images. What Is Dappled Light? Dappled light happens you have small pockets of light coming through onto your subject. Think of sunlight coming through trees. This leads to a combination of light and shade. Another example of dappled lighting would be light coming in through window shades. Or through an open breezeway in an urban

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Light In Still Life Photography | A Talk By Alex Koloskov

Alex Koloskov, a professional photographer and photography professor, discusses and illustrates the appeal of still life photography. You’ll get an understanding of the specific challenges presented by studio product and still life photography, as well as the advantages that come from developing your skills as a “lighting engineer.” In addition, Alex will show how simple high-speed splash photography may be. Speaker Biography: Alex Koloskov is a professional photographer, co-founder, and educator. Proficient in teaching on both KelbyOne and Udemy. Alex blends technical engineering knowledge with creativity and originality in his projects. When it comes to photography, he relishes the

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What Is Natural Light In Photography And 13 Amazing Ideas To Use Natural Light In Photography

We’re all familiar with natural light. But have you ever actually stopped for a moment to think, “how is natural light used in photography”? You can take breathtaking photos using natural light. But what does natural light mean in photography? Read on to understand how to use natural light in photography. Check out our complete guide to photography lighting here. What Is Natural Light? In general, natural light comes from sunlight. It also includes ambient light, which is the light available in the environment. For example, this is can be the light from outside that brightens up a room. How

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Natural Light: Make The Most Out Of It By Positioning People Right Way

When I’m on a photo shoot, I always carry two flash guns with me. However, when it’s a family outing or holiday, the flash guns are left behind in favor of kiddie stuff I need to lug around and I shoot using purely natural light, without even a reflector to help. It does help that I carry a prime lens that opens up to f/1.4 should I need or want to shoot indoors. Here are my tips for making portraits using purely natural light. On a sunny day, there is so much light that it makes it quite hard to

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How To Create Impressive Light Graffiti

Light graffiti is a pretty simple concept. You take a long exposure and use a light source to paint graffiti in the frame. You can do this with a torch, a sparkler, a fire, or even a still light source if you move your camera. WHAT IS LIGHT GRAFFITI?If you’ve read all about light painting, then you’ll have a good understanding of how this works. Basically, when you’re shooting in poor light, your camera’s sensor is a blank canvas. Just like light painting, you use your light source to paint/graffiti on where you want the camera to expose. To reach

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How To Use Window Light For Better Portraits

Window light is an excellent, free light source. It can achieve the same effects as much bigger, more expensive lighting equipment. A large window is essentially a huge softbox. It will diffuse light into the room and around the subject, you place it in front of it. The earliest photography studios didn’t use fancy electric lighting. They just used big windows. How It Works If you see the window as a softbox, everything that you know about a softbox will be relevant to this lighting. First of all, the larger the window, the softer the light. A large window provides

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How To Take Better Natural Light Portraits

Rethinking Natural LightMany photographers choose to use natural light as their chosen style, almost as a badge of honor. Natural light is a wonderful source, providing ease of use and flattering light to your subjects, but you should be using it the same way as you would studio lights. You need to create light and shade that will add emotion or mood, not flat lighting that gives no shape, texture or mood. Hopefully, these tips will help you on a path to refining your natural light classic portraits. Finding Quality Light And ShadowsFirst, find good quality light – preferably open

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What Is Rim Lighting And How To Shoot Awesome Rim Light Portrait

Using a rim light effect will help isolate your subject from the background. It will also help create a certain mood in the portrait. Rim lighting a portrait is not always easy. You must have your light and subject positioned carefully for this technique to achieve the impact you want. Background is also important to consider when setting up a rim light portrait. In this article we’ll show you how to use a rim light to make your portrait photography more impressive. What Is Rim Lighting? The goal is to create a rim of light around the subject. You do

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Night Landscape Photography: From Light Painting To Light Writing | A Seminar By Lance Keimig

Night Photography has become increasingly popular and accessible in recent years, and the experience of photographing the landscape under a starry night sky is incomparably rewarding. In this seminar, Lance Keimig of National Parks at Night shares his techniques for light painting, light writing, and low light landscape photography. ​About Speaker: Lance Keimig is an American photographer, instructor, and writer of night photography. He considers himself extremely fortunate to be able to do work that he loves and to share what he has learned with others who catch the night photography fever.

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Sunshine: The Most Beautiful Natural Light Source For Awesome Portraits

I’m a minimalist gal when it comes to most things, and photography equipment is no exception. I know that some people love equipment and gear; the more the better. But when I think about lugging lights, reflectors, and flashes around, my creativity takes a nosedive. My favorite light source, hands down, is the sun. In the words of John Denver, sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy! I’d love to share some dos (because who likes to be told what NOT to do?) to help you harness the power of the giant lamp in the sky. Hopefully you’ll gain a

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The Complete Guide To Light: Clock And Compass Lighting Technique | A Webinar By Mark Cleghorn

In this series of webinars Mark Cleghorn shows you how he created the images, along with all the lighting setups and recipes for you to recreate yourself. In this part we are going to look at the clock and compass lighting tecnique. Lighting is not a black art, Lighting is a skill that can be taught and duplicated and used as a recipe. Like all structure, once the basics are mastered the techniques can be manipulated to achieve different and more stylised creative images with guaranteed results.

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What Is A Hair Light And How To Create A ‘Halo’ To Highlight Hair

Studio lighting set-ups can have two, three, four, or even more, lights to create a specific look. The hair light is part of many studio lighting set-ups for portraits. But what is a hair light? And how do you add one to a studio lighting set-up? Build your next portrait photography lighting set-up with confidence using this guide. What Is A Hair Light? A hair light is a light that separates the hair from the background. This light is placed behind the model and directed towards the hair, creating a halo-like effect. Hair lights are particularly helpful when using the

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