The I3: Images, Ideas, Inspiration | A Talk By June Kim – Photographer & Artist

June Kim’s photography – with its minimalist aesthetic and focus on the relationships between the human figure, color, geometry and architecture – flows effortlessly across the fine art, fashion and editorial arenas. The i3: Images, Ideas, Inspiration lecture series features leading photographers and artists, hardware and software developers and industry experts.

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The New Yorkers: A Talk By Street Photographer Robert Herman

The New Yorkers is a glorious look at a city bursting with colour and life. It is a body of work full of frozen moments, serendipity and reflection. Through Robert Herman s work we recognise the New York we knew and the New York we still know today. His street photography freezes people and places in this city at decisive moments, with spontaneity and authenticity. In this book the city waves at us, looks us right in the eye and brushes past us, without seeing. It layers images upon images like the best graffiti – always renewing and reforming itself.

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My Life And Work: A Talk By William Vázquez | Advertising & Lifestyle Photographer

William Vázquez, advertising and lifestyle photographer and co-chairman of American Photographic Artists New York, talks about his work with such clients as Abbott Labs, Direct Relief, Duracell, Mastercard, Mead, Pfizer and Samsung. Author’s Statement: Going to places I have never been, figuratively or literally, is one of my favorite things. And I feel lucky that the range of clients and projects I have worked with for the past two decades has allowed me to shoot in five continents and meet all kinds of people: scientists, farmers, businesspeople, orphans, doctors, community activists, families, monks. I am also adaptable in my approach

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The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook – A Talk By Harold Davis

The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook is your complete guide to making and processing stunning black and white photos in the digital era. You’ll find inspiration, ideas, techniques, and tools to use in your black and white photography, along with a soup-to-nuts workflow to take you from black and white pre-visualization through capture and post-production. Along the way you will lean over Harold’s shoulder as he travels to exciting photo destinations and creates stunning black and white imagery, explaining his creative and technical processes as he goes.  Harold Davis is an internationally-known digital artist and award-winning professional photographer. He is

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Why We Become A Wedding Photographer?

Wedding photography is one of the most popular genres out there. If you don’t believe, take a look around the room the next time you get invited to a wedding. Nearly every guest is documenting every detail of the wedding – right from the bride walking down the aisle to the happy couple sharing their first dance. Now, not everyone is taking photos with a professional-grade camera. Most guests will be using a mobile phone or even a great entry-level DSLR camera. But weddings are such a happy moment that people almost always feel compelled to take photos. True wedding

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Jeremy Cowart: Celebrity Photographer And Founder Of Help-Portrait

Jeremy Cowart is a powerful name and a trailblazer in the photography industry. But it’s not just his photographs that are creating a craze; it’s his art, his nature, his philanthropic platforms, his talent and his unbelievable like-ability.   Besides the fact that his viewfinder has seen the likes of many major celebrities from Nashville to Los Angeles, he balances his passions with other arts, his family, and giving back. From his job of graphic design and then making the jump to photography, Jeremy quickly earned the respect of artists, photographers, and major celebrities alike.  But in the eyes of those

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Become A Better Photographer By Self-Portraiture

Meaningful self-portraiture photography is no small feat. It involves focus, persistence, and an endless openness to improvement. As both the photographer and model, you’re in charge of posing, lighting, and camera settings. As challenging as these responsibilities are, they’re more than just extra work. They’re opportunities to become a better photographer in general. I started taking self-portraits because I was simply drawn to the genre. I had no idea that the challenges I faced would shape me into a more empathetic, expressive, and observant individual. But when I started taking photos of other people and things, I realised how much

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