Food Photography: 10 Smart Tips For Capture Food With Smartphone That Looks Really Professional

Most food photography today is captured on a smartphone. Modern phones have great cameras but it’s not so much about the quality of gear but what you do with it. Here are some smartphone food photography tips and techniques to take your images to the pro level. Use Natural Light To Make Your Photos Look Fresh When you shoot with your smartphone, ensure that you are using natural light. Most food pictures regular people take in restaurants look horrible because of artificial lighting. Fluorescent and other types of artificial lights create unwanted colour casts. As a result, they cause your

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Tips To Make Your Fire Photography Shots Look Really Incredible

Fire photography is an exciting genre that can help you take powerful photos of fire, people, and landscapes. In addition to photographing the beauty of fire, you can use something as simple as a candle flame. This will light up your subject, create atmospheric photos, or add a pop of color to a simple image. IMPORTANT SAFETY TIPS FOR FIRE PHOTOGRAPHERSFire photography is one of the most dangerous photography genres. This means you need to take all the necessary precautions before you even plan your photoshoot. Here are some of the most important tips you must keep in mind before,

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Where I Want To Be And What I Really Care About: A Talk By Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer Matt Carr

Specializing in portraiture and lifestyle, Matt Carr is an award-winning visual storyteller with a background in photojournalism and a penchant for delivering honest, believable and beautifully lit scenes. His photography has been published in The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, ESPN, GQ, Men’s Health, Premiere and Rolling Stone among other publications, and his work has been recognized by American Photo, Hasselblad Masters, PDN, IPA and Communication Arts. The i3: Images, Ideas, Inspiration lecture series features leading photographers and artists, hardware and software developers and industry experts.

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