What Is A RAW File Format In Photography And 8 Reasons To Shoot RAW Photos

Somewhere on your photography journey, you have heard the advice: shoot in raw. You may be wondering, will shooting raw make your photos better? In this article, we will explore what raw photography is. We will also give you eight reasons why you should be shooting in it. What Is A RAW File? Raw is a generic term that refers to an uncompressed unprocessed file format. This is the file created by your camera that includes the most information it is capable of collecting from a scene. This information includes the range of light, the light’s temperature, and the variety

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8 Great Reasons To Try Bird’s Eye View Photography

Bird’s-eye view photography is a great method to experiment with perspective and give your photographs a unique spin. Images captured from a bird’s-eye perspective are striking and aesthetically appealing. It might be difficult to determine whether and why this point of view is appropriate. What Is The Definition Of “Bird’s Eye View” In Photography? A bird’s-eye view is an elevated, above-the-ground perspective of an object. as though a bird were seeing the item from above, thus the name. In photography, “point of view” refers to the position from which the camera views the scene. This perspective may be eye level,

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Shallow Depth Of Field: What Is It, How To Create It And The Top Reasons To Use A Shallow Depth Of Field In Photography

We spend a lot of time as photographers trying to get our images in focus. When an image comes out blurry, we hit the delete button so fast that we barely look at the composition. But not all images need to be sharp from front to back. Sometimes, an image is more beautiful if some parts of it are softly out-of-focus. An image can have impact if the focus is “shallow”. In this article, I’ll let you in on the secrets of shallow depth of field (DoF). I’ll help you achieve the look and give you ideas on when to

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