How To Crop Photos For Perfect Results

You might have a photo you love but can’t add to your portfolio. The composition might not be great, the subject is too far away, or there are too many distractions in the shot. Knowing how to crop a picture in Photoshop or Lightroom will help you fix most, if not all, of these issues. Here’s how to crop photos for the best results. WHY IS CROPPING IMPORTANT?Cropping provides you with a chance to fix seemingly impossible flaws in an image. You can save hundreds of photographs by cropping them the right way. For example, if you have a candid

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The Five Essential Camera Angles In Photography For Greater Results

Want to add interest and variety to your photos? Then try working with different camera angles! It’s an easy compositional technique to use – you simply need to move your camera in different directions – and it’ll make a huge difference. But what photography angles are best? How do you decide on the right camera angle for each situation? That’s where this article comes in handy. Below, I share five angles that pretty much always get great results. I explain how to use them, when they look best, and I offer some tips and tricks to take your images to

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How To Break The Rules Of Photography Composition For Creative Results

Breaking the rules of photography composition can, in fact, lead to creative results, if done properly. The rules of photography and photographic composition are not very strict. There are no penalties for doing it ‘wrong’. Technical purists might tell you otherwise. I am more inclined to teach creative expression rather than technical perfection. Getting too technical often produces photographs with little depth of feeling. You Need To Know The Rules To Break Them This almost goes without saying. Learn the rules. Learn them so well you apply them without conscious thought. Composition means ‘putting together’. The way you arrange what

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Small Camera Big Results: A Talk By Jack Hollingsworth

MPS Digital Photography presents Jack Hollingsworth, a world-renowned travel, portrait, stock and iPhone photographer. Since converting to mobile in 2011, Hollingsworth has traveled to over 20 countries and shot over 400,000 images with his iPhone. Here he discusses his technique along with the apps and accessories he uses to create his stylistic brand of mobile photography. About Speaker: Jack Hollingsworth is a world-renowned travel and lifestyle photographer. He has spent the last 40 years commercially shooting for some of the biggest names in the leisure, hospitality and tourism industries. More recently, Jack has fallen in love with his iPhone camera.

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