8 Rules For A Happy And Productive Creative Life: Specifically For Photographer

The biggest stumbling block for many photographers is not knowing how to be creative. You have some natural talent but never seem to break out and become a satisfied creative person. Thankfully, some rules govern a happy and productive creative life. These rules help you to get control and live out your creativity – even with a busy work schedule, and without sacrificing valuable time with your family. Here are eight of those rules that will help you thrive as a creative photographer. Don’t Rely On Your Natural Talent Don’t rely on natural talent. Understand how photography works, and exercise

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10 Must Follow Bridal Beauty Rules To Bring Out The Most Gorgeous Version Of Yourself

Want to be the most beautiful person you can be on your wedding day? Yes, you do! Follow these 10 rules for wedding day beauty to look more put-together and polished. I’m Going to Show Off My Best Trait You know what your best quality is, so make the most of it! Use fresh, dewy makeup to bring out your healthy skin; use a few individual fake eyelashes instead of a full set to make your eyes look bigger; or find the perfect lip stain to make your smile look better. If you normally don’t wear makeup, your wedding day

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Rules Of Composition – Weight Balance

As keen photographers, we are always looking for the best compositions and balance in our photography. These are important photography rules for composing your images well and creating something visually stunning. Weight or balance are the terms given to compositional elements within your scene, and the visual impact they have. Some objects will have a stronger presence compared to other elements in the frame. As a photographer, it is down to you to include them or cut them out. This will depend on the effect they have on your overall composition. There are many ways we can do this, both

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How To Break The Rules Of Photography Composition For Creative Results

Breaking the rules of photography composition can, in fact, lead to creative results, if done properly. The rules of photography and photographic composition are not very strict. There are no penalties for doing it ‘wrong’. Technical purists might tell you otherwise. I am more inclined to teach creative expression rather than technical perfection. Getting too technical often produces photographs with little depth of feeling. You Need To Know The Rules To Break Them This almost goes without saying. Learn the rules. Learn them so well you apply them without conscious thought. Composition means ‘putting together’. The way you arrange what

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Rules of Composition – Single Point

Working with a single point of interest in a photo is one of the most basic forms of composition available. It’s quite a common occurrence and it pays to know what to do with it. A single point can provide interest to an otherwise plain photo. They’re usually fairly small and contrasting to the rest of the scene. A photo doesn’t need any points of interest to be successful though. The decision you have to make when working with a single point is where you want it to be in the frame. What justification does it have for being there,

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Rules Of Composition – Balance

Composing your images well is a fundamental idea behind capturing beautiful shots. There are many ways to use photography composition to add interest to your images. Balance in photography is one of these important examples of effective composition. Learn what it is and how to use it in the article below. HOW TO USE BALANCE IN PHOTOGRAPHYWhat is balance in photography? is a good place to start. It determines whether the photo is pleasing and harmonious or uncomfortable and unresolved. Take balance in its literal sense and the analogy of weighing scales comes to mind. Here I’ll show you how

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Wedding Photography: Tried-And-True Rules For Having Your Most Photogenic Day Ever

The biggest photographer in wedding photos is here to share his tried-and-true rules for having your most photogenic day ever. One important tip: “The key to capturing an authentic moment? Soft, natural light and a simple background. And motion!” Check out more of his expert advice below! BEFORE HIRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER, ASK YOURSELF TWO THINGS: One, can he handle a dim-lit room? And, two, is he nice? A wedding is a living, breathing, unpredictable thing. He has to be very go-with-the-flow and technically consistent no matter what. Vet him in person, and look at full galleries – not just his

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