Birthday Party Photography: 12 Tips For Shooting Splendid Birthday Party Photography

Whether you do it for clients or for family and friends, birthday party photography can be challenging! You need to move quickly, not miss any activities, and be on point with your camera settings. If you’re just getting started, this can feel very overwhelming. Let’s take a look at 12 fun tips for photographing birthday parties (or for event photography in general) that you can implement today! Photograph Details To Get A Sense Of The Atmosphere When you photograph an event of any kind, you’re trying to tell the story of that event. One great way to do this is

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12 Tips For Shooting Promotional Band Photography

Band photography is a growing niche in music photography. As a music photographer, it is your job to make the band look cool in the pictures. Band photography is not for complete beginners. You have to know your equipment and camera settings. Read our 12 photography tips to learn to shoot incredible band photography. Meet Up With The Band And Get To Know The Band Members Make sure that you get to know the band and their music before the photoshoot. Meet up with them in a casual way and learn about the style of their music and the band.

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