Creative Shutter Speed In Photography

Understanding shutter speed is just as important as understanding aperture. This article explains innovative shutter speed methods for photography. Shutter speed control enhances picture creativity. Handheld: Match the focal length to the slowest possible handheld speed. Choose 1/300 of a second for a 300mm lens to avoid camera shake. At broader focal lengths, 1/50th is fine at 50mm. Long Exposure Shutter Speed Variation is a creative way to use shutter speed. The camera is rotated around the photo’s centre. This method is used for longer exposures in kinetic light painting. Variable-focal-length kit lenses are great for this photo. Light painting

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Shutter Speed Cheat Sheet for Controlling Motion Photography

Shutter speed is part of the exposure triangle along with aperture and ISO. Shutter speed doesn’t only control the exposure but also lets the creative photographer innovate and experiment with the motion. When understood to the core, shutter speed is not a technical but a creative tool. THE SHUTTER AS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE CAMERAThe shutter is the part of the camera that remains closed to prevent light from entering and reaching (exposing) the sensor. When the shutter button is pressed, the shutter curtain opens to let light reach the sensor. The sensor records the intensity of light while

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What Is Fast Shutter Speed And When Do You Need To Use A Fast Shutter Speed?

Shutter speed dictates the character and atmosphere of an image. It plays an important role in freezing or blurring motion. A fast shutter speed will let you stop time and show magical moments our brain wouldn’t be able to preserve. Read on to find out how to use a fast shutter speed! What Is Shutter Speed? Shutter speed is the measure of how long the camera shutter stays open to allow the entry of light. It determines the amount of light reaching the camera sensor.  A fast shutter speed implies short exposure to light and vice-versa. It’s one of the

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Understanding Shutter Speed

Do you struggle to understand when and how you should use fast shutter speed? It’s a common problem. Shutter speed can be a tough concept to grasp, especially when you’re faced with choosing a shutter speed in the field. Fortunately, as long as it’s presented in the right way, shutter speed can actually be quite simple. That’s what this article is about – explaining fast shutter speeds in a way that makes it accessible to all. What Actually Is Shutter Speed, And How Does It Work?The shutter is the mechanical part of the camera, which opens when you take a

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