Fine Art Photography: What Makes Your Photography Art And 5 Simple & Brilliant Ideas For Making Your Photography An Artform

What distinguishes a photograph as an art form? Portraiture and surrealism are not the only types of fine art photography. Fine-art photographs are created with the same care as paintings. According to photographer Alex Stoddard, believing in your work can help it blossom into something even more spectacular than you imagined. What makes photography unique as an art form? In his art podcast, photographer Martin Bailey outlines what makes photography a visual art form. Consider how you feel when you look at the picture above. You’ll be able to take photos that truly depict your passion for great art after

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10 Tips Of How The Simple Idea Of Reflections Can Bring A Wonderful Complexity, Beauty, And Depth To Your Images

I’m a huge fan of simple ideas that will create immediate effects for your photography. Photography is a vast subject and learning all the intricacies of your camera, shooting on manual, as well as processing can seem overwhelming. But there are so many ways to take wonderful photos, using simple ideas you can play with, that will create compelling photos for you right now. When you take great photos, it inspires you to keep learning and pushing yourself on this intensely fulfilling creative journey. In this article, you’ll learn how the simple idea of reflections can bring a wonderful complexity,

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6 Simple Steps To Making Your Proposal Go Viral

We’ve all seen those viral proposal videos with massive flash mobs, dramatic helicopter entrances, marching bands, and surprise (famous) performers. They take over our social media feeds and our dreams, so we don’t blame you if you also want to make your proposal go viral. (Although there is something to be said for the private, intimate, and heartfelt proposals that don’t make the evening news!) The thing is, the key to making your proposal go viral isn’t an over-the-top dance performance or throwing a ton of money at the event-it’s making it genuine, personal, and true to your relationship. Make

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