How To Take Beautiful Flower Photos With Your Smartphone: Here Is 12 Tips

Do you love flowers and enjoy taking pictures with your smartphone? Then smartphone flower photography is the perfect combination for your camera roll. Here are 12 tips to help you take stunning pictures of flowers on your smartphone. Try Shooting In Portrait Mode Portrait mode is now available on most smartphones. It can give you more high-end, professional looking results in some shooting situations. This feature is great for taking pictures of people. But it can also give you refined, professional results with still life subjects because it works so well for close-ups. Portrait mode will help you get shallow

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Food Photography: 10 Smart Tips For Capture Food With Smartphone That Looks Really Professional

Most food photography today is captured on a smartphone. Modern phones have great cameras but it’s not so much about the quality of gear but what you do with it. Here are some smartphone food photography tips and techniques to take your images to the pro level. Use Natural Light To Make Your Photos Look Fresh When you shoot with your smartphone, ensure that you are using natural light. Most food pictures regular people take in restaurants look horrible because of artificial lighting. Fluorescent and other types of artificial lights create unwanted colour casts. As a result, they cause your

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Don’t Have DSLR? Here Are 12 Tips To Use Smartphone For Fashion Photography

People don’t normally think of using smartphones for fashion photography shoots. However, with the high-resolution cameras, these devices feature these days, they’re now more than capable of producing breath-taking images. With these few simple smartphone photography tips and tricks, you might not even need that DSLR for your next #OOTD. Develop A Theme When planning for your smartphone fashion photography shoot, feel free to collect pictures online and use them to create a mood board. Just think of it as a scrapbook where you keep everything that inspires you. The most popular online tools for creating a mood board include

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Pet Photography: How To Take Amazing Pet Portraits With Your Smartphone

Today’s smartphones have advanced cameras that we can use to take outstanding smartphone pet photography. Having a camera and a pet isn’t enough, though. This article is both for the professional pet photographer and the beginner who wants to show off their adorable puppy on Instagram. It’s important to be familiar with a few pet photography skills. Use Photography Apps It’s very likely that your smartphone camera isn’t giving you all the features you deserve. An advanced camera app will give you control over exposure, ISO, focal points, and other important features. Using these tools, you’ll be able to take

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9 Essential Tips For DIY Newborn Photography With A Smartphone And Common DIY Newborn Photography Questions

Hiring a professional newborn photographer doesn’t always fit into the budget. This is why many parents turn to DIY newborn photography. Newborns grow quickly, making photos a must even if you snap them with a smartphone. But newborn photography that you see coming from a professional studio isn’t always safe to try at home. With a few newborn photo shoot tips, you can snap your own baby pictures. And get results that don’t look like a Pinterest fail. DIY newborn photos won’t look like the images coming from a professional studio. Besides the differences between a professional camera and a

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