Stuck At Home? Try This Macro Photography Ideas

Macro photography shows us details on a scale that is not visible to the naked human eye. But knowing what works best for macro photography can be tricky. This is why we’ll show you some simple macro photography ideas you can create without even leaving your house. But first… WHAT IS MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY EXACTLY?Capturing images of small-sized things like bugs or flower stems is possible through the use of dedicated macro lenses, extension tubes, bellows or reverse adapter rings. These allow for a closer focus distance and therefore more magnification compared to a standard lens. Even though some lenses have

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Stuck at Home? Try This 10 Creative DIY Photo Ideas

Use everyday props to play with the light while making portraits. Play with colanders, cut shapes into cardboard, or use pieces of material to filter the window light or other artificial lighting. Use glass and ice as a foreground for some cool portraits. Use fairy lights for some great portrait effects, or if you have no model, just photograph the lights themselves and create bokeh. Do some food photography. Make a seamless DIY backdrop using a pillowcase or similar. Do some Ninja photos using oranges or similar. Cut them in half and use skewers to make them look like they

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Are You Stuck Indoors? Here Is Some Great Photography Ideas

Usually, the majority of photography is based outside. But now we have the Coronavirus to contend with, in the current lockdown period, what you should do is to be busy with some photography projects around the house. Here are some tried-and-tested photography ideas for when you are stuck indoors. PHOTOGRAPH THE ORDINARYWhen you’re stuck indoors, it can seem like the subject matter is limited. However, under the eye of the camera, ordinary objects can become extraordinary. As photographers, we are trained to seek out the unusual and distinctive subject matter, so day-to-day objects can fall by the wayside. But responding

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Stuck At Home? Try This Still Life Photography Ideas

Looking for a spark of inspiration for your still life photography ideas? Feel like you’ve tried everything and there’s nothing left to discover with still life subjects? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. There is no universal recipe for getting inspired. But every still life photographer has a set of tricks and go-to ideas to kickstart the process. Here are 10 creative photography ideas to do at home. These examples of still life photography are simple but versatile and don’t need any complicated gear or rare props. Surely one of them is exactly what you are looking for. 10. Play

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Stuck At Home? Try This Tips For Better Indoor Photography

When I first started indoor photography, I was afraid of the limitations. As a natural light enthusiast, I wanted to have as few restrictions as possible. When I discovered the positive sides of this genre, I was able to pinpoint my creative weaknesses. It helped me strengthen the skills I already had. Indoor photography is a flexible genre for several reasons: There’s usually some kind of artificial light to use it to take unique photographs; It doesn’t demand a massive budget; and It’s open to photographers of all kinds. How do you take good indoor pictures? Here are some photography

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Stuck At Home? Try This Great Creative Photography Ideas

There is really no better time to practice some at-home creative photography ideas. There are lots of ideas you can experiment with, and with some basic equipment, you can really work wonders. Let’s get into it and discover some creative photography ideas you can work on at home, and work into a series of images.

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Stuck At Home? Here Is 10 Things You Can Photograph in Your Home

There’s nothing I love more than grabbing a camera and setting off on the weekend to find a new place to photograph. But what happens if you’re confined to the house for an extended period and can’t get out? Fear not, there are still hundreds of things you can photograph in your home. I have listed ten ideas for things to photograph below. I spent no more than 15 minutes photographing each item or idea. In some cases, it was closer to five minutes. For most images, I used either my Fujifilm XF 35mm f1.4 R lens or my Fujifilm

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Stuck At Home? Explore Your Home With Macro Photography

Macro photography is all about exploring the wonders of the world around you from a very close distance. Macro lenses let you see the tiniest parts of the world in extreme detail, often exposing an array of colors and patterns hidden right before our eyes. Macro lenses are also expensive! However, if you find yourself stuck at home for a while, you can start exploring your home with close-up filters instead. They’re a cheap alternative to macro lenses and can transform the mundane into the magnificent! The first thing to do is actually get yourself a set of close-up filters.

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