How To Capture True Character Of A Subject In Portraits

Broadly speaking there are two types of portraits. The first is where you try to make the model look as beautiful as possible. You may need a make-up artist or stylist to do it properly. Most commercial photographers are paid to make their models look beautiful, and there are many links with the world of fashion photography. The other is where you try and capture somebody’s essence, create character portraits. One interesting thing about this style of portraiture is that it opens up your range of models beyond people that are considered conventionally beautiful. It’s less complex because you don’t

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Fill The Frame: Your Frame Needs To Be Complementing Your Subject, If It’s Not, Make The Subject And Surrounding Elements Into A Better Composition

Successful photographs usually have one thing in common – an obvious point of focus or a subject that is the dominating element. One of the main reasons a photograph falls flat is because there is no central or main feature to draw in the viewer’s attention. One very easy way to combat boring, flat photos is to practice the simple idea of filling the frame. Of course, you might say – I always fill the frame; it’s impossible not to! With this idea, though, you are working on being a lot more intentional about how you compose. When we “fill

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