13 Awesome Subjects To Explore When You Are Out For Urban Night Photography

The great thing about night photography is that subjects that appear commonplace during the day take on a new, interesting appearance at night. Urban scenes are lit (or not lit) at night in fundamentally different ways that our eyes are not used to. The long exposure times required in night photography allow you to use different techniques to capture the scenes in creative and often dramatic ways. Plus you aren’t beholden to the sun’s rays and the changing daytime light. Nevertheless, you may struggle with finding good subjects when you do have opportunities to get out and shoot at night.

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A Beginner’s Guide To Urban Exploration Photography

Urban exploration photography is also known as street photography (urbanex). It’s exhilarating, dangerous, legally questionable, and a lot of fun. As enjoyable as it is, it often necessitates trespassing. Some people may even break and enter in order to shoot their targets. A quick Google search for “Urban Exploration [your area]” should provide a number of results. If you’re going to climb over or through anything, you’ll need a bag that won’t swing about and can hold all of your gear. The fundamentals are as follows:  The art of identifying ancient and abandoned buildings and settings, exploring them, and photographing

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