The Secrets Of Great Portrait Photography | Webinar/Q&A By Brian Smith

Looking for the secrets to great portrait photography? Pulitzer-prize winning photographer Brian Smith has your answers. Brian has spent the last 30 years photographing celebrities and people from all walks of life, including big names like Shaquille O’Neal, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Anne Hathaway, and more. In this webinar you’ll get Brian’s best tips and techniques for mastering professional portraits in a conversational style webinar. Even if you’re not photographing the rich and famous, Brian’s insights will help you create meaningful portraits for everyone. Specifically, Brian will discuss: How to really connect with your subject and tell their story through

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The Best Ways To Convert An Image To Black And White | A Webinar By Master Black And White Fine Art Photographer Vincent Versace

Master black and white fine art photographer, Photoshop expert, X – Rite Coloratti Master and Printer, Vincent Versace shares the knowledge he’s gained from decades of research and real – world experience to help you take black and white images from “good enough” to fine art quality. There are numerous ways to convert an image from color to hues of gray. But which one works best – and why – are questions that may be asked but are rarely if ever answered. Vincent Versace will show you some of the best ways to convert an image to black and white

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