5 Basic Mistakes To Avoid When You Shoot Black And White Photography

Black and white photography has been around for nearly 180 years, ever since Louis Daguerre introduced the daguerreotype process to the world. It is still hugely popular despite the rise and ease of color photography. And yet, whenever I look at other people’s black and white photos, I see the same mistakes over and over. Are you making any of these? Let’s find out! Shooting In JPEG Format Ouch! This is a big one. It’s the single worse thing you could do. The Difference Between RAW And JPEG To understand why, you need to appreciate the difference between Raw files

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What Is Black and White Wedding Photography And Why You Should Try

Black and white wedding photography may be devoid of colour, but sometimes, taking away the colour adds something greater to the image. But isn’t black and white photography going backwards and removing the benefits of today’s colour digital sensors? Many new photographers are under this illusion and ignore what can be a very valuable tool. If you’re stuck between colour and black and white, here’s why you should consider black and white photography for weddings. BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY CAN BE MORE EMOTIONAL Wedding photography captures the emotions of the day – and sometimes, images feel more emotional in black

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What Is The Difference Between Grayscale Vs Black & White Vs Monochrome

If you are starting to take black and white images or are just looking at it as the next step in your photography, you’ve probably come across these three terms and wondered, “What is the difference?” The quick answer is, “Not very much.” But, let’s take a closer look at the various terms and their differences. Black And White Photography Once upon a time, there was just a “film.” It was all black and white; that was the only option. Google “old film box” and you’ll see it will simply say “film” on the box without any mention of color

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The Best Ways To Convert An Image To Black And White | A Webinar By Master Black And White Fine Art Photographer Vincent Versace

Master black and white fine art photographer, Photoshop expert, X – Rite Coloratti Master and Printer, Vincent Versace shares the knowledge he’s gained from decades of research and real – world experience to help you take black and white images from “good enough” to fine art quality. There are numerous ways to convert an image from color to hues of gray. But which one works best – and why – are questions that may be asked but are rarely if ever answered. Vincent Versace will show you some of the best ways to convert an image to black and white

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How To Take Professional Black And White Headshots

In the acting and modeling world, black and white head shots are commonplace in portfolios. If you want to diversify your photography portfolio, it would be a good idea to add this skill to it. Head shots are laid back and can be a lot of fun; you can just play around, trying to come up with something creative. Why Black And White Headshots? This is a question I asked myself when I was approached to take some of these photos. It’s a very good question really, with a variety of possible answers: Firstly, there’s the idea that, because the

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Black And White Portrait Photography Tips

Why would you choose to create black and white photographs in the era of digital cameras that are capable of accurately capturing millions upon millions of colors? Black and white photography seems to be a constant in the history of the medium, with color technology only propagating itself into wide use around halfway between Nicéphore Niépce’s first heliograph and today. There’s a lot of debate on both sides of the argument, but for me and many others it’s a simple matter of aesthetics. A good black and white treatment has a way of stripping unneeded information from an image, helping

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How You Can Get Dramatic Improvement In Your Black And White Photos With A Little Help Of Composition

It’s hard to beat the power and drama of good black and white photography. There’s a reason that monochrome has survived and prospered as an artistic medium despite the arrival of color photos. But how do you harness the power of black and white for yourself? The key is in your composition. The problem with composition is that it’s such a vast topic it’s easy to lose track of the various principles and the ways you can put them into the practice. So let’s keep it simple – I’m going to give you three things you can concentrate on. Put

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White Haute – A Modern Wedding Style With a Timeless Palette

Looking for a color palette that will stand the test of time? Here is a texture, contrast and a layering of ivory, dove gray and white to reinvent a timeless wedding color palette. Get inspired by a whimsical spread of candles, lush florals and elegant tablescapes. Impressive Script Inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including your venue. Does it speak to you in more ways than one? Lean on it to inform multiple elements, like the stationery or table settings. “The clean, white stucco walls of the venue, with hints of the unrefined brick and slate, informed the modern take

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6 Easy To Follow Tips That Will Improve Your Black And White Landscapes Photography

Are you looking to take your black and white landscape photography to the next level? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we share six easy-to-follow tips that’ll improve your black and white landscapes; we also share plenty of examples, so you can understand exactly what goes into a good black and white photo. Specifically, you’ll discover: The best camera settings for black and white photography How to enhance your b&w landscapes with filters What to look for in a landscape scene Much, much more! So if you’re ready to capture black and white shots like the pros…

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How To Shoot In Black & White Why And Is Black & White Photography Important?

If you’ve never tried black and white photography before, you may feel a bit intimidated. After all, how do you get started? Should you be shooting black and white on your camera, or should you be converting color images to black and white? And how can you create stunning black and white images, anyway? In this article, I aim to answer all those questions. I’ll explain the value of black and white, how to do it, plus I’ll share some tips along the way! Why Is Black And White Photography Important? In the photographic world, black and white is an

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A Comprehensive Guide For Stunning Black and White Photography

Black and white photography is one of the most intimidating genres out there, mostly because it’s associated with lots of established names, as well as the “fine art photography” label. But here’s the thing: Black and white photography isn’t actually difficult. In fact, it’s just like any other genre of photography: There are a few tips and tricks that, once you apply them to your shooting process, will instantly improve your black and white photos. And that’s what this article is all about. I’m going to share with you seven tips for stunning black and white photography. And you’ll come

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The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook – A Talk By Harold Davis

The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook is your complete guide to making and processing stunning black and white photos in the digital era. You’ll find inspiration, ideas, techniques, and tools to use in your black and white photography, along with a soup-to-nuts workflow to take you from black and white pre-visualization through capture and post-production. Along the way you will lean over Harold’s shoulder as he travels to exciting photo destinations and creates stunning black and white imagery, explaining his creative and technical processes as he goes.  Harold Davis is an internationally-known digital artist and award-winning professional photographer. He is

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