10 Must Follow Bridal Beauty Rules To Bring Out The Most Gorgeous Version Of Yourself

10 Must Follow Bridal Beauty Rules To Bring Out The Most Gorgeous Version Of Yourself
10 Must Follow Bridal Beauty Rules To Bring Out The Most Gorgeous Version Of Yourself

Want to be the most beautiful person you can be on your wedding day? Yes, you do! Follow these 10 rules for wedding day beauty to look more put-together and polished.

I’m Going to Show Off My Best Trait

You know what your best quality is, so make the most of it! Use fresh, dewy makeup to bring out your healthy skin; use a few individual fake eyelashes instead of a full set to make your eyes look bigger; or find the perfect lip stain to make your smile look better. If you normally don’t wear makeup, your wedding day is the only time you should. When you’re getting married, mascara, blush, and lip gloss can really make your eyes and lips stand out.

On My Wedding Day, My Lips Will Be Soft Enough to Kiss

You won’t have to worry about dry or cracked lips if you take care of them ahead of time. Your lipstick will also go on more smoothly. Find a lip polisher or lip scrub, and start getting ready at least a week before the wedding. Make sure you use chapstick or makeup with sunscreen too, if you don’t already. This will protect your lips from sun damage.

I’m Going to Rock A Beautiful Smile

We had to include this because, honestly, there’s no better way to look more beautiful. A month or so before your wedding, you might want to whiten your teeth for a megawatt smile. Dentists are still the best place to get the most noticeable teeth cleaned. There are ways to get rid of spots on teeth that can make them five to seven shades lighter. Prices for in-office cleaning start around $400 but vary based on where you live. But teeth-whitening kits you can buy without a prescription also work very well. Most of them make their teeth a few shades whiter.

I’m Going to Take Care of My Nails

The people who do nails are good, but they’re not magic. If your cuticles and fingernails are already broken, you can’t expect to have nails that look good on Instagram in an hour. If nail biting is a habit you have developed in the months leading up to your wedding, you should make every effort to refrain from it. Also, don’t pick at your hangnails or peel off broken nails – that’s how diseases start.

I’ll Stick to A Skin Care Plan

Maintaining good skin care habits is important all the time, but the months before your wedding are especially lovely for your face. Photos are nice because they last forever! Not sure how to begin? Meet with a doctor six months before the wedding to help you come up with a good skin care plan. Make a promise to yourself that you will wash your face before bed and buy a good lotion with SPF.

I’m Not Going to Spray Tan Too Much

We understand: A glow from the sun looks beautiful on a white wedding dress. But if you do too much, you might end up looking orange or not like yourself at all. If you want to get a spray tan, make an appointment at least two or three days before the wedding. You could also be safe and use a cream that slowly tans you.

It’s Not Going to Happen

You might lose a few pounds in the weeks before the wedding because you’ll be busy and nervous, but think of that as a plus. At the last minute, don’t try to lose any more than that. A crash diet will make you tired, and the number on the scale won’t help if you’re too weak to handle the stress and enjoy the fun of your wedding day.

I’m Going to Drink Lot of Water and Eat

Make sure you have a lot of water on hand if you plan to drink champagne or mimosas with your girlfriends that morning. Also, promise to drink plenty of water. For food, eat breakfast, even if it’s just granola and yogurt with fruit, and plan lunch into your schedule for the day to make sure you have time for it.

I’ll Find A Veil That Fits My Face Shape

It can be hard to find the right hat and makeup to go with it. In the end, when it comes to hair and masks, more width and more length make them look better. Wear a cover or style your thin hair if your face is round. If your face is long, wear something that has more thickness.

I’m Not Going to Try Anything New Until At Least One Month Before the Wedding

No matter how simple or expensive the treatment is – an eyebrow wax, a chemical peel, or Botox – you should plan it and make sure you’re okay with it well before your wedding. So, if you have a response that you didn’t expect, you have plenty of time to get better.