Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Shooting wedding photography professionally is a much, much bigger topic than just sample poses. The aim of this article is only to provide you with some initial guidance and ideas to take some nice bride and groom pictures.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

The wedding veil is a superb accessory for a bride’s close-up portrait. You may want to use manual zoom to focus on the eyes, otherwise, the auto mode will focus on the veil’s texture.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

A very good opportunity for a great picture is photographing the bride or both newlyweds in the wedding car.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

The romantic and passionate kiss is another must-have shot from the event. Definitely try to capture both faces including the eyes. Without that, you will probably produce a dull shot.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Very easy and kind pose. The newlyweds simply and naturally embrace while bringing their cheeks together. Take care that the bridal bouquet is nicely placed and turned towards the camera.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Another beautiful pose with the groom embracing the bride from the back. The newlyweds may look romantically at each other or straight to the camera. Or they might kiss for an even more affectionate pose.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Just a slight variation of the previous ones, keep the newlyweds close together, but find a way to get a shot from an elevated angle.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

At weddings, you can’t really go wrong by asking the newlyweds to kiss for a shot whenever there is an appropriate moment. They won’t complain anyway!

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

If possible, arrange an outdoor shot, take some pictures of the couple from a distance and use some open space in background.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Absolutely easy and a bit more formal pose creates a calm and intimate mood.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

The groom holding the bride in arms, easy to pose, however, be careful choosing the right shooting angle – both faces should be visible.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

A pose with the groom holding the bride works not only from a distance but makes a very nice pose for a close-up as well.

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Certainly a staged pose – the bride falling into the groom’s hands. But if the newlyweds are responsive, poses like that could work out extremely well.

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Weddings don’t need to be and sometimes really aren’t at all that serious. Don’t be afraid to make some fun, ask the newlyweds to lose their shoes and just run around a bit and snap some frames.

PhotographiPhotographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Never forget that there often are good opportunities shooting from the back.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

A fun pose with the newlyweds kissing passionately. Pay attention to the wedding dress: It shall look free-falling and natural, as opposed to stuck and creased under the groom’s leg.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

A gorgeous pose for a bride’s portrait. The bride should sit on the ground (or a very low stool) with the wedding dress nicely arranged around her. Shoot from above with the bride looking slightly upwards.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Fun and simple pose, the newlyweds clinking champagne glasses. For a more creative shot, you could get real close and focus on the glasses, leaving the portraits blurred.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

Another creative way to play with a shallow depth of field. Use the widest possible aperture and keep the groom in a distance from the bride. Focus on the bride, leaving him slightly out of focus.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

The newlyweds dancing is just another must-have shot. Take pictures with the bride and groom facing towards the camera, making both faces clearly visible. They may look at the camera or at each other.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

For some creative results, don’t concentrate only on the bride and groom. There are many interesting corresponding objects to shoot, and these photos especially will make the event’s photo album far more engaging. Thus, take separate shots with single objects. Examples are the wedding bouquet, jewelry, clothing details, champagne glasses, wedding rings, wedding car elements, etc.

Photographing Bride And Groom [Weddings]: A Beginners’ Guide To Poses

The final point isn’t about posing proper, rather just an idea for post-production. Most probably you will have a bunch of photos from the event, so use them to make a small collage (or several ones). Pick only some objects or crops from other pictures and combine them into a balanced composition. Use some unified filter effects or simply convert them to black-and-white in order to achieve outstanding results. Such collages indeed are pure pleasure to an eye!

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