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Everything You Need To Know About Sending Electronic Save The Dates

Everything You Need To Know About Sending Electronic Save The Dates
Everything You Need To Know About Sending Electronic Save The Dates

Whether you’re searching for an alternative to conventional save-the-date cards or need to adjust your plans with a change of date notice, you’re not limited to paper. Electronic save-the-dates are not only cheaper, but they may also be more convenient because you don’t have to print, address, and send each one individually.

According to Simone Vega of Coordinated to Perfection, electronic save-the-dates have lately gained a great deal of popularity among couples. “Given the present climate, when there is a great deal of uncertainty as to when or even if a wedding will occur, these save-the-date cards are unquestionably a money saver,” she adds. It is easier to transmit online save-the-dates if your event date must be changed due to the epidemic. Before choosing this path, it is essential to understand all sides of the electronic save-the-date narrative. We break it out below.

The Cost Of Electronic Save The Date Cards

One of the most common misunderstandings about digital save-the-dates is that they are free to send. In the same way that physical save-the-date cards may be simple or complex, the cost of their digital counterparts can vary significantly. “There are very few “free” things in the world, and electronic save-the-dates are not one of them,” explains Kimberly Sisti of Sisti & Co. With a few exceptions, most services charge a monthly or annual membership fee or give you the option to pay as you go.

Although save-the-dates are often not too expensive in relation to your entire wedding budget, if you want to do something a little fancier, you will pay more. “The cost of printing alone, particularly if you are creating them yourself, will unquestionably increase your expenses,” explains Vega. The non-paper way will definitely save you money.

However, the amount of money you will save depends on the digital alternative you choose. Nora Sheils, co-creator of Rock Paper Coin and founder of Bridal Bliss, explains, “With a custom-designed image that you send out electronically, it may cost more than utilising a generic template obtained online.” It will also have a greater possibility of appearing in the inbox of your guests as opposed to your spam folder. In addition, she tells the couple that printing cards and then stamping them is not only more expensive but also a greater hassle. And reducing stress wherever possible during wedding preparation is crucial.

Pros And Cons Of Electronic Save-The-Date Cards

Sheils notes that although computerised save-the-dates might be fast and simple, they present a number of obstacles. First, the advantages: “They can be created simply, dispatched swiftly, and are either free or extremely inexpensive,” she explains. However, the greatest advantage for Vega is the amount of money couples save by sending save-the-dates online. “You’re essentially saving the time and effort required to develop a paper save the date, get it printed, address envelopes, buy stamps, and make a trip to the post office to mail them,” she explains. With an electronic save-the-date, all you need to do is buy a template, put in the necessary information, and you’re all set to send them out. “We’ve done this many times for our couples, and they’re always thrilled with how quickly we complete their orders,” she adds.

Digital save-the-dates have no environmental effect, which is another advantage. Sisti states, “First and foremost, there is no damage to trees or the ecosystem.” Consider it a win-win situation for you and the environment. It also removes some of the uncertainty for you and your visitors, since you don’t have to worry about them being lost in the mail, question whether your guest received them, or dismiss them immediately after receiving them. Furthermore, rather than searching for a scrap of paper to remind them of important information, visitors can access it from their phones wherever they are.

However, Sheils cautions that there are a few disadvantages to consider, including the fact that they are less professional than printed cards and sometimes get lost in spam or an overloaded inbox. Some couples are also concerned about whether their senior visitors would have difficulty with an electronic version. “Although many elderly people are computer adept, others will not be able to “open” their save-the-date card,” adds Sisti. “This risks a lack of contact, and it may be considered impolite not to provide everyone a tangible copy.” Some may feel it impolite that the couple is not considering all of their guests and making many attempts to reach them.”

TIP: Keep in mind that the comfort of your guests is of the utmost importance, starting with the initial announcement of your wedding to your friends and family and not only during the reception. Vega suggests trying a mix of electronic tickets and a small number of paper tickets for older guests.

Electronic Save-The-Date Tips

If you decide to take the electronic route, consider the following advice:

Make It Exceptional

The most significant consideration is that consumers get hundreds of emails daily, so you must make yours stand out. “Use a creative topic that will pique their interest (rather than making them believe you’re trying to sell them anything) and make the body of your email simple and brief,” advises Sheils. “There are endless methods to tailor your message and assure people will open it if you are using a service.”

Not To Worry About Being On Target

Additionally, Vega suggests not putting too much pressure on yourself to have your theme decided before issuing save the dates. “Many couples mistakenly believe that they must send out save-the-dates that match their wedding’s décor or colours,” she explains. “My recommendation is to select something that reflects your personality, a favourite destination you’ve been to, or something humorous.” “Do the contrary, and do not yet give out the wedding gifts!”

Give Your Guests Advance Notice

One of the most courteous things a couple can do for their guests, according to Vega, is to send electronic save-the-date cards as early as possible. “When sending online save-the-date cards, couples should be mindful of the deadline.” “The save-the-date isn’t just about announcing your wedding date; it also helps your guests plan for that day in advance,” she explains.

Electronic Save-The-Date Etiquette

Sheils notes that paper save-the-dates are “single-use.” “You pack, dispatch, and you’re done! “That is, unless your address is inaccurate,” she continues. In the case of electronic save-the-dates, however, a distinct set of etiquette concerns may arise, since visitors may have neglected or missed the email. “It may have been marked as spam, or they may have removed it inadvertently.” “Therefore, you may send your visitors reminders, but try not to harass them,” she recommends.

Maintain An Eye On The Language

Vega suggests that couples devote as much attention to the save-the-date message as they do to their appearance. She adds, “It has been claimed that the wedding invitation sets the tone for the wedding day.” “However, if the save the date is the first piece of information your visitors get, I would argue that this would also establish the tone.” “Ensure that your phrasing sets the tone you want your guests to experience and feel on your wedding day.”

Correctly Cite Them

If you are sending electronic save-the-dates, handle them as you would a paper invitation. “That implies addressing it to the people who are invited into a home, but only mailing one per household, whether that’s a family, a couple, or an individual (with or without a guest),” explains Jamie Chang of Let’s “Do” this! “Although you may be tempted to send an email to each individual because everyone has an email address, it is not essential.” “Not to mention that this becomes difficult when there are plus ones.” Similarly to a physical save-the-date, she proposes sending the email to your best friend. “But if it’s a family (or couple) you’re equally close to, select the family member who handles the family calendar and is more likely to open it, read it, and share it with the others.”

Include All Important Information

You’ll also want to verify that your electronic save-the-date has the same information as a paper invitation, including your names, wedding date, venue, and wedding website. “Also, if this is a virtual wedding as opposed to a physical one, make sure you’re clear about that,” Chang says.

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