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Getting Ready Guide For A Flower Girl

Getting Ready Guide For A Flower Girl

There is a lot more that goes into being the adorable flower girl than just a dress and flowers. Between the walk down the aisle, the prewedding parties and the makeup, you’re little girl is bound to be overwhelmed. Help prep her for the wedding with this easy to follow guide.

Practice Makes Perfect
Start “walking down the aisle” months before the wedding. The more confidence your daughter has, the more comfortable she’ll be when it counts. If she’s younger, try walking with her a few times, than have her show you how she can walk on her own. She should keep a steady pace that might seem slow at first – try having her count in her, “one peanut butter, two peanut butter,” with each step. Older flower girls should catch on pretty quickly, but it might take several practice sessions for the little ones to perfect their walk.

The Bridal Shower
If your daughter is invited to the shower, be mindful of her attention span. Ask the host to recommend a good time for your daughter to arrive, and suggest giving her a special job at the party, like helping collect bows and ribbons to turn into the rehearsal bouquet. The bridal shower is a great opportunity for your daughter to meet the other members of the bridal party. Seeing friendly, familiar faces on the big day will help ease any anxiety.

Beyond the shower, you might suggest the bride spend some one-on-one time with your daughter and let her know how excited she is to share her special day. Manicures or special shopping trips are great ways to bond!

Hair & Makeup
Is the bridal party getting fancy updos for the event? Ask if your daughter can go to the salon, too. Even if the stylist only brushes her hair and clips in a barrette or two, it will help her feel included. If your daughter is wearing a ring of flowers in her hair, make sure it’s secure and won’t fall over her eyes every few steps!

Try to minimize her time in the salon chair; if she has to sit still for two hours the morning of the wedding, it may be hard for her to focus on the more important parts of the day. If you choose not to have a professional do her hair, be prepared with a comb and light hairspray for styling and touch-ups. Also, if you’re planning to schedule a haircut, make it a week or two before the wedding to avoid harsh bands and choppy layers.

If the bride is having her makeup professionally done, decide beforehand if you’d like to include your daughter, but don’t let the makeup artist get carried away. It’s not a beauty pageant, so a touch of lip gloss and a little translucent powder or a light stroke of blush is plenty.

The Rehearsal
On or around the night before the wedding, your daughter will participate in the rehearsal. She might be intimidated by the attention, but assure her it’s going to be just as you practiced. Walk her down the aisle once or twice if she’s uncomfortable, and show her where you’ll be during her big moment. Don’t worry if the rehearsal doesn’t go perfectly – often the most nervous flower girls at the rehearsal turn into the best performers when it counts. She may be invited to the rehearsal dinner, but don’t be offended if she’s not – it’s better to save her energy and attention for the wedding day.

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