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The Great Debate: Should You Host A Destination Wedding? Find Out If A Wedding Away From Home Is The Right Choice For You

The Great Debate: Should You Host A Destination Wedding? Find Out If A Wedding Away From Home Is The Right Choice For You
The Great Debate: Should You Host A Destination Wedding? Find Out If A Wedding Away From Home Is The Right Choice For You

Were you recently engaged? Congratulations! Likely, you are already whittling down potential wedding venues, and no, it doesn’t have to be limited to places in your immediate area. A wedding is possible in any part of the globe. But should you and your fiancé have a wedding in a faraway place? Before you commit to a local venue, think about the advantages of a destination wedding for you and your loved ones.

The Number Of Your Guests Decreases

By holding the wedding in a remote location, you may safely reduce the guest list without hurting anyone’s emotions. You may be more picky with your invitations since your destination wedding will likely be approximately a third smaller than a wedding in your hometown, and your guests who are left out will likely be understanding. Those that are invited are less likely to show up in full due to the high expense of travel and the increased difficulty of finding mutually agreeable dates. A destination wedding is an option if you have a large family but still want a small ceremony.

You Will Visit A Different Location And Gain New Experiences

The saying goes that a trip is the one purchase that really increases your wealth, so why not use it as an excuse to have your wedding in a new and exciting place? Whether you’re revisiting a place that has personal value for you both or exploring somewhere new, travel deepens your connection to the world and each other.

This One Keeps On Rockin’ For A While

Everyone wishes their wedding could go longer than just one day because, let’s face it, the big day itself goes by in a flash. You can spend more time with your guests at a destination wedding and throw more events, such as a welcome party (perhaps a sunset cruise), a rehearsal dinner for those who travelled (perhaps a beach barbecue), the wedding itself, a brunch afterward, and other group activities like golf, hiking, spa treatments, and wine tasting. Extending the celebration over the course of your destination wedding weekend will give you and your guests more time to bond (or week).

The Choice To Let Go Is Yours

Let me explain why the increased uncertainty and complexity of organising a wedding abroad really makes for a better experience for the couple. It implies you have to make plans from a distance and, eventually, give up. Since you have little control over the specifics, you’ll find that you can relax and enjoy the planning process more by just going with the flow. And after the bride and groom let go of control, the celebrations may begin in whatever setting where the couple has decided to exchange vows.

It May Be Less Expensive

You may spend a million dollars on a wedding in your hometown or on a trip, but chances are the latter will be less expensive. If you’re planning a wedding in a big US city, you may be able to negotiate lower rates with your vendors by holding the ceremony or reception in a smaller town or even another country. Since you’ll have fewer visitors, you’ll either be able to cut costs or spend more on each visitor to improve their experience. If you’ve picked a location with a breathtaking view, you may allow Mother Nature do most of the decorating for you. If cost is a factor, you need not stress about a destination wedding.

Planning a wedding in a scenic location is a decision you won’t be sorry you made. You’ve undoubtedly heard that you should try to make the most of each and every day, and travelling may help you do just that. Savor the extended wedding experience, the company of loved ones, and the breathtaking natural setting.

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